duminică, 23 noiembrie 2014

Gândul de duminică seara

Sâmbăta trecută publicasem pe blog citatul de mai jos, pe care nu ştiu cum am reuşit să-l şterg:))))
Fiindcă mă tot frământă treaba cu moartea, bașca cutremurul de aseară, când m-am speriat destul de zdravăn, am zis să îl mai public o dată, ca să rămână aici pentru posterioritate.

“When we are young we are often puzzled by the fact that each person we admire seems to have a different version of what life ought to be, what a good man is, how to live, and so on. If we are especially sensitive it seems more than puzzling, it is disheartening. What most people usually do is to follow one person's ideas and then another's depending on who looms largest on one's horizon at the time. The one with the deepest voice, the strongest appearance, the most authority and success, is usually the one who gets our momentary allegiance; and we try to pattern our ideals after him. But as life goes on we get a perspective on this and all these different versions of truth become a little pathetic. Each person thinks that he has the formula for triumphing over life's limitations and knows with authority what it means to be a man, and he usually tries to win a following for his particular patent. Today we know that people try so hard to win converts for their point of view because it is more than merely an outlook on life: it is an immortality formula.” ― Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

În plus, vă fac şi o recomandare de film, că se potriveşte oarecum cu citatul: Lucy.

Lucy este un film în regia lui Luc Besson, cu Morgan Freeman, care vrea să ridice câteva semne de întrebare asupra potențialului neexploatat al creierului uman. În prezent, omul folosește doar 10% din capacitatea creierului său. Oare cum ar fi lumea de astăzi dacă am putea accesa 20% din resursele neutilizate ale creierului? Dar 50%? Dar 100%? Ce am putea face în plus? Au fost multe replici care mi-au plăcut, însă doar 2 mi-au rămas în minte:
We've codified our existence to bring it down to human size, to make it comprehensible, we've created a scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale.

We humans are more concerned with having than with being.

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